March 7th 2025 Additions
- Added VCC Packages as a new provider for products.
January 26th 2025 Additions
- Members have the ability to opt in into the history feature. This will show the history of which products you have viewed in the past. This feature is disabled by default and can be enabled in the history page.
- Added a new filter for the browse page to filter products by their provider.
- Changed the design of the page a little to make it all fit better together.
October 30th 2024 Additions
- Addressed a feature request to allow users to use search operators in the search bar. Characters like +, -, and " can now be used to filter search results more precisely.
- Moved the free filter to the new filter area on the browse page. This should make it easier to find free products. Other filters are still available in the filter dropdown.
August 3rd 2024 Additions
- Added a fallback to the browse page if no results are found. You will now get to see some products which might interest you.
- Rework of the browse page to simplify the design and added some numbers to filters to show how many results there are for each filter.
- General layout changes to make the site feel a bit more modern.
- Improve the search to show more exact results instead of showing a lot of also not related stuff.
July 27th 2024 Additions
- Added listing of sellfy products
- Feedback can be submitted on the bottom of the page. This will be used to improve the site and fix any issues that might be present.
- Some more smaller changes
July 14th 2024 Additions
- New user cards for hovering a user's name on the site. This will show a small card with some information about the user.
- The browse page will now give the option to try again if loading the next page fails. (Automatic retries will also be attempted)
- Product cards will now show the nexyy user's display name when the product is connected to a user.
- Rework of the browse page to load the next pages a bit earlier preventing the user from having to wait for the next page to load.
- Rework of the behaviour of loading results for the browse page.
Bug Fixes
- The browse page will now behave correctly when using the back button in the browser.
July 7th 2024 Changes
- Images will now be loaded in a more efficient way. This should make the site feel a bit faster.
July 2nd 2024 Changes
- Some changes on the backend to improve performance.
Bug Fixes
- Gumroad connection should now find shops a bit faster.
June 17th 2024 Additions
- Creators can now connect their gumroad account to their profile. This will allow them to import their products from gumroad to Nexyy. This is a first step in a bigger plan to allow creators to connect their accounts from other platforms to Nexyy but is currently only in beta and only available for gumroad.
- Updated settings page to show errors as toasts if there are any.
- Ids of lists, products and shops are now random strings instead of numbers.
- Updated loading logic for 'popular products' page.
- Updated page titles to be more consistent.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where autocompelte suggestions would disappear when typing too fast.
- Fixed an issue where the autocomplete didn't close on mobile when clicking outside of it.
- Fixed an issue where the og image for linking the profile on discord wouldn't show up.
- Continue sign up will now show on session restart if the user hasn't completed the sign up process.
- Fixed an issue where the site width was wrong when the window was very narrow but still having the sidebar shown.
Known Issues
- There are some issues with the state behaviour on the browse page and possibly other pages. This currently doesnt have a high priority but it will be fixed eventually.
- With specific screen sizes the buttons for skipping through images on products are overlapping with the other action buttons.
June 1st 2024 This update doesn't bring lots of visible changes, but it does bring a lot of improvements for the backend. There are also being added a few new features that you might find useful.
- Autocomplete suggestions for the search bar on the home and browse pages.
- Toasts for different events are now available.
- Changelog page is now available.
- Lots of improved logic for the backend.
- Display names can't be changed to already used usernames anymore.
Bug Fixes
- Sidebar doesn't flicker anymore on initial load.
- Scrolling to the top of the page works better now.
- Autocomplete suggestions don't suggest stores which have no products anymore.